Fighting For You
We Need Your Help
It’s time for landlords and tenants to unite! Right now, there are a number of people in power that are acting in the name of special interests and harming the most essential part of our lives: our home.
The truth is each and every one of us has been affected by Coronavirus, a pandemic of epic proportions. But for us, one thing remains crystal clear: we all deserve a fair shake in this deal. We deserve unity on all fronts.
Therefore we need your help in the fight against current bills seeking Property Tax and Mortgage forgiveness, as it leaves landlords and their tenants without any protection or aid in these most trying times. What we need is property tax relief.

We Are Here For You
What We Do
Our only goal is to make sure that landlords are protected. The concept of property Tax“forgiveness” is a mirage for protecting, once again, the City institutions and their pockets. Anything that has to do with Taxes is at the discretion of the City or State, not the people. we should be doing just like barbers and beauticians are filing a class action law suit agains their Governor Newsom for closing down services. These actions are unconstitutional. We need to get landlords together and do the same exact thing. It's the only way and now that the appeals courts in NYS have been altered by President Trump appointees, we may actually get a fair chance
We need to remember that WE are the state’s customer, paying for salaries, social programs, infrastructure and beyond. We cannot sit by idly as the system continues to bleed us dry. Even tenants continue to receive aid, while landlords are offered nothing. No one is considering our expenses, maintenance, landlord/renter issues, etc. Therefore we ask you for a minute of your time to sign this petition and ensure that we the people are protected.
Please, click below to make sure the state hear's us loud and clear. We will not sit by as our property is taken and we are left with nothing. We will fight for property tax relief because it's the right thing to do.
We Need Your Help
Our only goal is to make sure that landlords and their tenants are protected. The concept of mortgage “forgiveness” is a mirage for protecting, once again, the financial institutions and their pockets. Anything that has to do with a mortgage is at the discretion of the lender, not the people.
We need to remember that WE are the state’s customer, paying for salaries, social programs, infrastructure and beyond. We cannot sit by idly as the system continues to bleed us dry. Even tenants continue to receive aid, while landlords are offered nothing. No one is considering our expenses, maintenance, landlord/renter issues, etc. Therefore we ask you for a minute of your time to sign this petition and ensure that we the people are protected.